COVID-19 Survival and Recovery: Making Use of Data and Innovation

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve been watching the manifold effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The whole planet is rather shell-shocked, unsure of how to proceed in this brave new world. Many businesses are scrambling to get back on their feet as the pandemic has changed everything about regular life. Regular plans and policies have been thrown out of the window, and for many people, every aspect of life has changed.

How Has the Pandemic Affected Everyone?

The coronavirus pandemic has made the world outside look almost unrecognizable. Social distancing means that everyone is staying indoors as much as possible and people are keeping a distance of 6 feet from each other. Masks and gloves have become a part of daily outfits.

Almost every sector of life has either stopped or has been altered. Travel bans are in effect, many firms have employees working from home, Zoom classes are in full swing, and entertainment has been limited to Netflix and other online sources. Groceries, including everyday necessities, need to be delivered since a trip to the corner store has its risks. 

How Can Data Integration Help?

If you’ve kept up so far, you might have noticed that almost all the aspects of our lives are now carried out digitally. All our transactions are being done online, work meetings, classes, social interactions are all carried out through the internet.

However, that’s not all. Stats regarding coronavirus, updates in treatment, death tolls, and all kinds of COVID-19 information are being collected and shared online. Data is more than numbers on a page–right now data is our lifeline.

Gathering data and transmitting it is one of the biggest bets we have against surviving the coronavirus. Whether it’s the WHO, CDC, or the COVID Tracking Project, data is how we can win this battle against a nefarious virus.

Integration also helps make life easier for those living under lockdown conditions. It gives them access to medical information, as well as resources needed for their health, safety, and well-being.

Furthermore, experts can use the data that has been gathered so far and extrapolate it to predict what can be coming up next. We can use the information we currently have to plan our moves for the future. This will allow the world to minimize casualties and take the necessary precautions when moving forward.

How You Can Make the Most Out of Data Integration

Here a 101 of how we should integrate data to collect information that is accurate and accessible.

  • Find sources of data that support your key metrics. To do this you must first find the key metrics that are relevant in whatever field you specialize in. After you figure out what kind of data you want to use, find authentic sources that give you correct/reliable data.
  • Link your data to a cloud-based platform. Once you’ve gathered enough data, you need to connect it to a cloud-based intelligence platform. This will let you consolidate and visualize your data, allowing you to turn your data into insights. Platforms like Mulesoft aim towards API-led design and data integration, making your data accessible and meaningful.
  • Make self-service and connectivity your priority. Siloed data is redundant because it is inaccessible and meaningless on its own. This is why there is so much emphasis on accessibility. If you run a business, everyone should have access to valuable data; this includes employees, management, investors, and even customers when necessary.
  • Review and re-examine your data collection. The thing about data is that it never stays still. New information is constantly emerging to alter your data or to add fresh insights. Once your data is connected and integrated, you can analyze and visualize it from many different angles.

There are countless APIs and platforms you can use to keep track of the COVID crisis. Statistics are changing as scientists learn more and more about this enigmatic virus. Harnessing all this data into one cohesive whole can seem like a formidable task, but it is very possible thanks to platforms like Mulesoft

Also, various health organizations can link all the information they have collected so far through data integration. This will help researchers come up with a cure for the virus. Moreover, all this data can give the medical community and international authorities better insight into preventing and containing future outbreaks.

Closing Thoughts

The world definitely looks like a dark and scary place. We’re all in uncharted waters, but information is the key to getting through this. Sharing data can uncover the puzzle pieces needed to unlock the cure we badly need. Right now. Data integration is indispensable for fighting this pandemic and helping the global economy recover. Find out more about APIs and Mulesoft integration right here.

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