Faster EJB Integrations with PlektonLabs EJB Connector

Shifting from legacy systems like EJB to another technology is expensive for larger organizations even though they are some of the primary innovation hurdles. EJB was difficult to integrate with MuleSoft due to the lack of any connector and developers must spend a lot of time connecting the systems. 

That’s where the PlektonLabs EJB Connector comes in. We talk about the use cases and problems the EJB Connector solves in this whitepaper.

This whitepaper aims to answer the following questions:

  • What are Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) all about?
  • What does this EJB Connector do and who is it meant for?
  • How does the connector help MuleSoft integration for legacy systems?
  • How could one go about using and implementing the EJB Connector?
Whitepaper on EJB Connector

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