
Our take on today's integration tech


CorrelationId Magic in Mule 4

Remember those old days, when you need to add the correlationId as a prefix in each and every log messages in Mule 3 just to keep track of an

MuleSoft 4.0 Environment Setup

Wondering how to do MuleSoft 4.0 environment setup? We will need appropriate tools and proper environment set up to work with MuleSoft. This writing describes the components and sets

Designing APIs (RAML) In Anypoint Platform

In MuleSoft we will use the Anypoint Platform and write RAML (RESTful API Modeling Language) code to design and manage the RESTful APIs. It requires permission from the owner

Easy way to skip the field(s) which is NULL – MuleSoft 4

Problem: Sometimes to work with MuleSoft Anypoint Studio, we have payload with fields contain a null value.For example:Input Payload: { “id”: 001, “firstName”: “John”, “lastName”: null, “phoneNumber”: null, “email”:

Global Error Handler Plugin in Mule 4

Mulesoft redesigned the whole error handling mechanism and components in Mule 4 (some key difference here). In Mule 3, there was a simple way to reuse a flow across


Mule 4 vs Mule 3: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Introduction After gaining huge popularity with mule 3, Mulesoft decided to release mule 4 with a drastic change. They re-implemented the engine, re-structured the Mule message, wiped out mule expression language,

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Phone: +1(877) 855-8775

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